MUNINN: Listening to Memory, 2021.
MUNINN: Listening to Memory was an installation at the Grenfell Art Gallery, Memorial University Grenfell Campus, Corner Brook, NL. It was on view in the gallery from February to May, 2021.
Following the performance of Filling Out Memory in August 2020, Grenfell Art Gallery hosted the installation as the conclusion to my year-long artist residency.
MUNINN was created based on the gathered stories and images from FOM. I painted the landscape of the lookout point on the gallery walls – but it is a remembered landscape that is a little too bright and more than a little inaccurate. I also created a “listening booth” in the centre of the space that has an audio loop of all the stories being read (many by the person who wrote it), layered to replicate the experience of the three megaphones, was inside it. The inside of the listening booth is covered in black feathers – a reference to Muninn, the mythological raven that sits on the Norse god, Odin’s, shoulder. Every night, Muninn flies over the world, collecting all the memories to bring back to Odin.
Black feathers litter the gallery floor….Were some memories lost along the way?
A publication about MUNINN was created by the gallery with an essay by Dr. Rie Croll.