House Study/Handmade, 2011.
House Study/Homemade was a participatory project created during the inaugural year of the Winter Artist in Residence Program at Wave Hill, Bronx, NY.
Each week, I dyed wool with plant dyes, including dyes made from materials from the staff lunch (tea, etc.). Using this wool, people visiting would learn to card, spin and knit. As word about this project got out, hundreds of people came to try their hand at these ancient skills.
Together we made over 50 skeins of plant-dyed, handspun yarn. Visitors took a skein home with the promise to knit it into a hat and return with it later. All the hats were brought back and we exchanged them at the end of the project at a celebratory party. Leftover hats were donated to a women’s shelter nearby in the Bronx.